Worship – Sunday and Thursday Services

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Regular  Services  – Sunday and Thursday

 For other services – Christmas,Easter and one off special services – please click on this link  HERE


09.00 a.m. Holy Communion – A quiet reflective service in the Chapel.

10-30  a.m. Parish Eucharist – Holy Communion  and sermon.

The  09.00 service is Live Streamed via Facebook


9:30 a.m. Holy Communion – in the Chapel-  The church will then be open after service  for specific times – details below

Thursday Lunch Club – We hold a lunch club on a Thursday from 11.30 am to 1.30 pm where you can have a mug of soup, a roll and a chat.  Everyone is welcome, so if you know of anyone who would like to join us, please let them know

Sing for Joy – This is a group for those who enjoy singing the old favourites that we all love.  It is very informal and everyone is welcome to join us from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm on a Thursday afternoon

A Warm Social Space – St Edwards will be kept open and warm on a Thursday from 10.00 am – 4.00 pm to offer a social space for anyone of all ages to come and spend as long or as short as they like in the church, for a coffee, a chat, read a book, play chess, join us for soup or old time singing, whatever you wish during these worrying times of energy prices



Everyday a Message/Prayer/Reflection on Whatsapp

We continue to join with St Mary’s via Zoom on a Wednesday morning at 8.30 am for Morning Prayer.

Prayer Line – 01689 845588 Everyday 6.00 am to 10.00 pm to request a prayer or simply talk to a Priest. This line is managed by Fr Prem and Revd Deborah


Look out for details of Evening Worship and other occasional services which will be advertised on the website and the Church notice board.

For these,along with Christmas , Easter and other Special services please see the news and events tab at the top of the page and choose upcoming special services from the drop down menu.  – Also available HERE

St Edwards has Gluten free wafers available for communion, please make your preference for these known to the church warden or any of the welcomers on the day .

St Edwards is a child friendly church and supports Breast feeding mothers.There are nappy changing facilities in the choir vestry ( private) ,but all soiled nappies must be taken away with you .

All services are normally celebrated with Father Prem and/or Revd Deborah see the weekly news sheet ( available HERE)  for any individual changes to clergy details.