Welcome to the St Edward King and Confessor Church website


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St Edward’s Church, Cleves Crescent, New Addington. CR0 0DL

Details  for Services, Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals can be found on the individual “Worship” and  “Church Booking” pages available via the top menu


                      We are an inclusive, loving, dynamic church committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the community of New Addington.

We hope you enjoy exploring our website and finding out more about the exciting life of faith that St Edward’s has to offer…

Please use the top menu to navigate around the site, we would ask that all visitors please review our Privacy Statement HERE prior to continuing  .


For details of our services click HERE

Clicking on the St Edward Banner at the top of the page will return you to this page at any time

To view Father Prem’s weekly sermons please look under SERMONS on the top  menu .

For any changes to dates or times (including services) or other important announcements  please look under WEEKLY NEWS SHEET  or  ANNOUNCEMENTS on the top menu.

For Church Hall Bookings, Weddings, Baptisms, Funerals, Internement of Ashes  or  the Garden of Rememberance please look under CHURCH BOOKINGS on the top menu.

For Contact details of a member of the Clergy or the team at St Edward’s please look under TEAM on the top menu


Please note : the general e mail contact address for St Edward’s  is: stedwardnewaddington@gmail.com


‘The parish of St Edward’s takes the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. Further information about this can be found via the  Safeguarding tab under the “Team” menu  or HERE

We are a parish in the Church of England – Part of the Diocese of Southwark – A member of Inclusive Church – and A Fairtrade church  ( please note these links will take you to  3rd party websites)



                 This Website is Copyright © 2015-2025 St Edward’s Church

For our Privacy Statement  please Click  HERE             Please also read the following  DISCLAIMER