You shall love your neighbour as yourself [Leviticus 19:18]
We affirm that God calls us to be alongside the people within our parish in friendship, through the provision of practical care, our eagerness to share the Good News of God’s love for all, and willingness to work in partnership with other churches and organisations for the good of the local community. As individuals we seek to be salt, light and yeast for the Kingdom within our relationships and through our work.
Share the Good News. We affirm our readiness to share our faith in God when others look for this from us.
Live simply and generously. Since all comes as a gift from God we seek to avoid greed or possessiveness, being open to enjoy good things but without making them the focus of our desire. We seek to be generous with what we have, especially with those who lack such resources.
Respect the gift of the created world. We seek to care for the world by avoiding the waste of the earth’s precious resources, and by looking after our local environment.
Volunteer. We set ourselves to commit time on a regular or occasional basis in support of initiatives aimed at furthering the well being of local people, groups in need and fairness in the wider world.
Look out for friends and neighbours. We seek to be considerate and trustworthy friends and neighbours, willing to listen and offer practical support.
Paid work. We pledge ourselves to do our work responsibly, ethically, honestly and with respect for those we work with and serve.